Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthovanadate Nd:YVO4 Laser Crystal Customized


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Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthovanadate Nd:YVO4 Laser Crystal Customized

Nd:YVO4 is one of the most promising commercially available diode pumped solid state laser materials. It has high laser induced damage threshold and good mechanical in addition to optical properties. Its large stimulated emission cross-section and high absorption of pump laser make it a right crystal for pocket laser. Nd: YVO4 can produce IR green and blue laser by using minor different set-up. A broad absorption band centered at 808nm and favorable mechanical properties make Nd:YVO4 well suited for compact, efficient, high power diode-pumped lasers. Natural birefringence  gives rise to a highly polarized output at 1064.3 and 1342nm.

1. This is a customized product.
2. $55 is a deposit, not the final price of the product.
3. The main factors affecting the price: quantity, size, processing index.
4. Please provide crystal processing drawings or crystal size, membranes, quantity, processing index. (Contact us
5. Crystal customization time: 3~6 weeks.
6. Warranty: 1 year

Basic Properties of Nd:YVO4:

Prameter Value
Atomic Density 1.26x1020 atoms/cm³ (Nd1.0%)
Crystal Structure Zircon Tetragonal, space group D4h-I4/amd
Density 4.22g/cm³
Mohs Hardness 4-5(Glass-like)
Thermal Expansion Coefficient(300K) αa=4.43x10-6/K
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient(300K) //C:0.0523W/cm/K

Optical Properties of Nd:YVO4

Prameter Value
Lasing wavelength 1064nm,1342nm
Thermal optical coefficient (300K) dno/dT=8.5×10-6/K
Stimulated emission cross-section 25×10-19cm² @ 1064nm
Fluorescent lifetime 90μs(1% Nd doping)
Absorption coefficient 31.4cm-1 @810nm
Intrinsic loss 0.02cm-1 @1064nm
Gain bandwidth 0.96nm@1064nm
Polarized laser emission π polarization; parallel to optic axis(c-axis)
Diode pumped optical to optical efficiency >60%
Sellemeier equations (λ in um) n02=3.77834+0.069736/(λ2-0.04724)-0.010813λ2

Laser Properties of Nd:YVO4

The major laser properties of Nd:YVO4 vs Nd:YAG are listed in Table below, including stimulated emission cross-sections (σ), Absorption Coefficient (α) Fluorescent lifetime (τ),Absorption Length (La),threshold Power (Pth) and Pump Quantum Efficiency.

Laser crystal Doping(atm%) σ(x10-19cm²) α(cm-1) τ (µs) Lα (mm) Pth(mW) Effi.(%)
Nd:YVO4 (a-cut) 1.0
Nd:YVO4 (c-cut) 1.1 7 9.2 90   231 45.5
Nd:YAG 0.85 6 7.1 230 1.41 115 38.6

Nd:YVO4 Specifications:

Prameter Value
Doping(atm%) 0.07%~3%
Doping concentration tolerance ±0.05%(atm%<1%),±0.1%(atm%≥1%)
Orientation A-cut/C-cut +/-0.5deg.
Dimension Tolerance ±0.1mm
Flatness λ/10 @ 632.8nm
Wavefront distortion λ/6@ 632.8nm
Surface Quality 10/5  per MIL-O-13830B
Parallelism 10″
Perpendicularity 10′
Bevel/Chamfer <0.1mm@45deg.
Chips <0.1mm
Clear Aperture >95%
Coating AR/HR/PR coating upon customer’s request.
Damage Threshold 750MW/CM² at 1064nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10Hz
Quality Warranty Period One year under proper use

Some Nd:YVO4 crystals price:

Concentration Size Membranes Price (1~5 pcs) Price (>10 pcs)
0.1% 3*3*20 S1/S2:AR@1064nm+808nm $319  
0.5% 3*3*5 S1/S2:AR@1064nm+808nm $109 $85
0.18%/0.2%/0.27%/0.3% 3*3*16/3*3*18 S1/S2:AR@1064nm+808nm $190  
3% 3*3*0.5 S1:PR@1064nm&HT@808
  10*10*0.5 S1:PR@1064nm&HT@808
Note For prices of other customized crystals, please contact us.


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